Knowing Where You are Not

A person standing in pointy black boots on a sidewalk with the words YOU ARE HERE painted in front of them

Image by Fallon Michael on Unsplash.

I had a moment in a coaching call this week that went something like this:

Me: So, what’s the question?

Him: [thinking] I suppose it’s, ‘do I really want to do this?’

Me: [lighthearted laugh] And what’s the answer?

Him: Well, it’s yes, but there’s all this other stuff.

Me: [slowly] I notice that it wasn’t a wholehearted yes, but rather a ‘yes, but…’

Him: [having an insight] Huh, yeah.

Sometimes knowing where you are — and where you are not — is helpful enough.

In his case, it wasn’t until he voiced the question and then answered it that he fully realised that he did in fact want to do the thing, but also that there were other things holding him back. This allowed us to move onto a more important and challenging question.

Meaningful progress does not always look like a leap.

Kim Witten, PhD

Kim is a Transformational Coach, Business Consultant and Experience Designer who helps people make better sense of what they do. Gain clarity and actionable insights to help you achieve your goals and make a huge impact in all areas of your life and work.

Outcome-driven, not time-based


The coaching session is less important than what happens after