Outcome-driven, not time-based

A woman looks over the sea holding a compass. Text reads: When planning a journey, the compass is more useful than the clock.

Photo by Remains from Getty Images Pro

I don’t charge strictly by time. I used to. It didn’t work for me and the people I coach. So I made a slight shift in how I do things, focusing on compass over clock. Progress over time.

That has made all the difference.

We talk for as long as we talk

Coaching sessions with me are typically an hour, but sometimes they’re 30 minutes. Sometimes they’re 90. The price is the same.

I’m empowering you to manage your time and enabling you to do that even better. You get to decide how much you need.

Everyone is different, so I work with everyone differently

Some people get tired after an hour. Others need 90 minutes of undistracted time to truly let their mind relax and get some good thinking done.

The same principle applies to the number of sessions we might agree on. We can take it one at a time, plan for several or a reasonable cadence, e.g., monthly, or something else.

You’re investing in a result, not the number of minutes we spend in conversation.

So, what are the results?

Here’s what you get for your investment of time, money, and headspace:

  • New perspective on your stuff

  • New insights about a topic, question, or challenge

  • A shift in thinking or mindset

  • A plan of action or next steps to take

  • Accountability to yourself

  • Increased self-belief

This all adds up to meaningful change and progress toward your goals. We can do the work in 30, 60, or 90 minutes at a time. It’s up to you what kind of experience and time spent will serve you best.

And as always, we will figure out together. We try things, learn, and iterate. That’s one way coaching is different.


You are not your user. Except when you are.


Knowing Where You are Not