Let’s think it through together

Three ways we might do that…

  • Single thought bubble with Think on your own written over it

    Weekly insights for overthinking creatives

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  • Two thought bubbles, with Think with you written over it

    Transformational Coaching for all kinds of thinkers

    Coaching sessions to support your thinking through any challenge — always customised to your needs and budget

  • Action burst with Think for you written over it

    Consulting services for you, your projects, your team

    When you need the expertise of others. From idea to delivery, I can support you with UX design, research, messaging, and more.

Design Thinking Consultant, Educator, and Host of the Design Feeling Podcast, Nirish Shakya:

“During our call, Kim listened patiently as I poured out my frustrations, feeling lighter with each word. She then challenged me to prioritise ruthlessly, asking, "What would you do if you only had half an hour?" That single question transformed my mindset, forcing me to hone in on the essentials.”

Writer and Host of the Check Your Thread podcast, Zoe Edwards:

“Kim's given me a number of strategies and ways of looking at things that I know will help me focus on and achieve my future goals.”