Check Your Thread: Self-Knowledge for Sewing Success
“When I've taught sewing classes, I've been very quick to let people know that there is more than one way to do pretty much anything in sewing. I don't like to approach a sewing class by saying ‘this is how you do it’ because I don't think that's helpful.
Basically, there's loads of different ways to do something and eventually through experience, you'll figure out what way feels best to you.” — Zoe Edwards
Those wise words can apply to just about any creative endeavor. It’s also why episode 91 of the Check Your Thread podcast is chock-full of insightful learnings to help you in your making, whatever that may be.
In an engaging 42 minutes, we tackle big questions, such as:
How well do you know yourself and how does self-knowledge relate to your enjoyment of craft?
What kind of learner are you and how does that help or hinder the work?
How closely do you follow the ‘rules’ and why?
What patterns of behaviour show up when you face challenges?
Plus, we dive into a month of Me-Made-May learnings and more.
Get out of your own way and get more enjoyment out of your craft:
Check Your Thread is a weekly podcast that looks at how to sew (and live) more sustainably. It’s an opportunity to nerd-out about garment sewing, while also discovering ways to reduce the impact it may have on the planet. It is hosted by Zoe Edwards, a writer, blogger, dressmaking teacher, and general sewing and sustainability obsessive.