What does it mean to end your year well?

A large piece of driftwood is angled in the foreground on a beach at sunset.

Sunset at Crosby Beach, Liverpool, UK. Photo by author.

Many of us spend this time of the year looking backward to reflect on what’s occurred, as well as looking forward to plan what’s ahead. Here are three ways you might do this, ranging from easy to intentional to intensive:

Ending the year easy

Take a moment to ask yourself:

When thinking of this past year, what are the top things that come to mind?

What is that telling me?

And what should I do about it in the year ahead, if anything?

Ending the year with intention

Get out some pen and paper, or use a tool, like a Wheel of Life worksheet. With five ways to use the Wheel, it’s a great place to start thinking about balance, values, and improvements.

Ending the year with intensity

And if you want to take a really deep dive, the YearCompass is a fantastic self-reflection workbook for closing out the current year and designing the next one.

How are you ending your year?

Regardless of which level you choose (or something else entirely!), I hope it gets you closer to doing it well. I’d love to hear what that means for you. If you’d like to share your thoughts, please get in touch

Happy reflecting and planning!

Kim Witten, PhD

Kim is a Transformational Coach, Business Consultant and Experience Designer who helps people make better sense of what they do. Gain clarity and actionable insights to help you achieve your goals and make a huge impact in all areas of your life and work.


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