Wheel of Life Worksheet

What’s important to you?

The Wheel of Life is a commonly used tool in coaching to help people recognise what's important to them in their life and to track their progress in those areas.

Traditionally, the Wheel of Life has fixed categories. I don't think that's helpful, so I've recreated this worksheet as an editable PDF with blank categories. This allows you to use the Wheel of Life in a variety of ways, and to choose the categories that are meaningful to you.

Below are five suggestions for how you can use the Wheel of Life to examine what's important to you. In all five examples, you fill in the categories according to the Question Prompt provided. Next, using the center of the wheel as 0 and the outer edge as 8, you will draw a line across each wedge based on the Progress Prompt. Lastly, use the Reflection Prompt to gain insight from thinking about your finished Wheel.

The Updated Wheel of Life - this is the standard way to use the Wheel of Life worksheet, but you choose the 8 areas that are most meaningful to you right now.

  • Question prompt: What are the areas of my life that are most important to me right now? E.g., family, finances, house and garden, career.

  • Progress Prompt: What is my level of satisfaction with each area?

  • Reflection Prompt: How satisfied am I with this wheel overall? What areas would I like to improve?

Wheel of Life Goals - this exercise will help you identify your current goals and your progress so far.

  • Question prompt: What are my Top 8 life goals? E.g., Buy a house, learn French, save for retirement.

  • Progress Prompt: How would I rate my progress in each area?

  • Reflection Prompt: Where do I want to put more effort?

Wheel of Values - this is a great way to see which values are showing up for you most strongly right now.

  • Question prompt: What are my top values? E.g., Honesty, Curiosity, Joy.

  • Progress Prompt: How present is this value in my daily life?

  • Reflection Prompt: What do I want to be practicing more of? How might I do that?

Wheel of Self-Care - this exercise will support you in identifying your self-care routine and help you see whether it's balanced for your needs (physical, mental, reflective or other modes of self-care).

  • Question prompt: What are my favourite ways to practice self-care? E.g., Meditation, journalling, walking.

  • Progress Prompt: How effective is this method at 'refilling my cup'?

  • Reflection Prompt: What do I want to be doing more of? Less of? How could I make self-care even more effective?

Wheel of Fun - this exercise will help you bring more fun and enjoyment into your life.

  • Question prompt: What ways am I seeking fun in my life? E.g., Drinking with friends, playing video games, doing craft projects with the kids.

  • Progress Prompt: How much do I truly enjoy this activity?

  • Reflection Prompt: Is this serving me well? Does it come at a cost? How could I make things even more fun?

I'd love to hear about how you modified things to suit your own needs. What worked well for you? Email me at insight@witten.kim and let me know!