What is Rumination?

A man stares up, thinking. A thought bubble is a picture of a cow chewing cud. The dictionary defintion of rumination is next to the bubble.

The dictionary definition of ‘rumination’ from Wordnik states that it is “the act of thinking about something in a sustained fashion.” The more common understanding of 'ruminate' is to turn something over in one's mind. That is, to think about something persistently.

Did you know that 'rumination' is actually a metaphor? It comes from the idea of cows and other ruminant animals 'chewing their cud' — the cud is a portion of food that returns from a ruminant's stomach to their mouth to be chewed again and digested further. Perhaps it is this delightful imagery that gives rumination its negative connotation today. 

In the thinking sense, rumination is seen as something we should avoid doing so that we can improve our mental health. While it is true that rumination can perpetuate unwanted Automatic Negative Thoughts, I would also argue that this other forms of thinking energy can be a superpower and huge source of insight, if understood and managed effectively. This can be achieved through effective thoughtwork and coaching.


What are Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs)?


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